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发布者: [发表时间]:2019年08月07日 00:00 [来源]: 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐 [浏览次数]:

洛仑兹中心举办“Single Subject Causal Mediation Analysis”会议

The Lorentz center in Leiden, Netherlands is hosting a 5-day meeting on “Single Subject Causal Mediation Analysis”. The meeting is designed to bring together researchers in the areas of causal inference, mediation analysis, analysis of single-subject experimental data, and clinical psychology with the goal of generating ideas for new statistical methods for evaluating causal mediated effects in single subject data that are often collected in clinical settings. 

The meeting will consist of a mix of presentations, discussion, and interactive group activities where participants will get a chance to test their ideas for new methods using various datasets. Participants will have the opportunity to develop ideas for either a grant application or a scientific paper in their small groups and to receive feedback from other participants.

Registration is free, but there is a limited number of spots left:
